EXASCEND 256GB CFAST 2.0 Z CAM Certified Card
Read Speed: 520mb/s
Minimum Write Speed: 250mb/s
Product Highlights:
The new Z CAM certified CFast 2.0 cards are 100% custom developed based on an enterprise-class Marvell SATA controller, and comes with several exclusive features.
Exascend Exclusive – Adaptive Thermal Control (ATC)*
ATC improves reliability and enhances sustained performance and quality of service (QoS) while preventing the CFast card from overheating across thermally challenged operating environments. ATC continuously monitors drive thermals and regulates drive performance to keep thermal under control, sustaining the highest performance while keeping under the thermal envelope.
Exascend Exclusive – Life Time Firmware Update and Service Support
Throughout the lifetime of the Z CAM certified CFast 2.0, Exascend will continue to enhance and support the Z CAM camera platform, ensuring forward compatibility.
Exascend Exclusive – Factory Data Rescue Service*
Under unfortunate circumstances when our card becomes inoperable from physical damage, Exascend provides an optional Factory Data Rescue service to retrieve your invaluable content. We have also set up service centers in Asia, the US, and the EU to support your data recovery needs. (* a minimal handling cost will be charged.
5 Year Limited Warranty
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SKU: 256gb
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